How can translating your website help your business?

As you check the statistics generated by your website's analytics provider, you have probably noticed you have visitors from countries that do not speak the same primary language as that of your website. If you find that nearly 30 percent of your traffic is from foreign countries, you might want to consider the benefits that website translation has to offer your business.

Utilizing a translation service provider means hiring a native bilingual speaker to convert all of the available content on your website to the target language. There are many reasons for offering your website in other languages, such as business expansion, offering services to international customers, and providing the bulk of your website audience with an easier to read website. For example, if 30 percent of your traffic is generated from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, you could see a higher conversion rate by providing a German translation of your website.

While machine translation is a possibility, it is nowhere near as accurate as hiring a professional translator to custom translate your website for you. Machine translations are unable to pick up on subtle uses of words and phrases that may not be considered official but are still acceptable in everyday language use. Professional translators can not only pick up on these small nuances, but translate them with the appropriate meaning into the target language so that any information available on your website does not lose its intended meaning through translation.

Cost of Translation
Because human translation is a better option for a more professionally designed site, deciding what companies or individuals to use can be a hard task. Before you begin looking at translation services, you should understand exactly what you need. If you are selling multiple products, then product descriptions, prices, and graphics depicting the products may need to be translated. With a good understanding of what you need and a small debriefing with your chosen translator, the translator should be able to lay out a plan for translating your website and how to incorporate it into your current business plan.

Most professionals who work independently and translation agencies often have a portfolio, so having a look through it will give you a good idea as to the quality of their translations. Hiring a translation service agency although typically slightly more expensive than hiring a freelance translator, but with a service you will have the guarantee that the translations provided by the service are accurate, and easy to understand for native speakers of the target language.

Overall, the decision to hire a website translation service should be one you make if you feel the cost of translating your business into another language would broaden your reach and provide you with even more customers.

Are you looking for someone to translate English to French? Be sure to visit our website for quality English to any language translation or email us here
